National Examination Board (NEB) Rastriya Pariksha Board published an important notice regarding school details ( Class 10 SEE exam participant schools). All the schools, who are participating in SEE ( Secondary Education Examination) 2077 are requested to provide all information details (details are given below) to Education Development & Coordination Unit ( EDCU).

MThe following details regarding School Name, Address, Principal Name, Details, Email, telephone, and internet/email access to the schools participating in the Secondary Education Examination (Class 10) 2077 are requested to be made available as soon as possible.
Details of Schools required to fill these forms are:
1. Name of the district:
2. Name and address of the school
3. Local-level Name and ward
4. Contact Details of Schools & Principal
5. Email Address details of Schools & Principal
6. Internet Availability status
( Please Contact your District Education Development & Coordination Unit (EDCU) Shiksha Unit to Provide this information)

( Please Contact your District Education Development & Coordination Unit (EDCU) Shiksha Unit to Provide this information)